NEWSFLASH: President of Loser's Club pays home visitation to the Vice-President of the Loser's Club, supposedly to work on their Econs ILP. However, as seen from the above picture, there are many questions left unanswered by this seemingly innocuous home visit by the President to the Vice-President.
First, the President claims with much glee and delight (as evidenced from the above picture) that he is going to "[screw the Vice-President's] house up". Which is perfectly legitimate and reasonable, seeing as that it was the Vice-President's choice to invite the President over, and the Vice-President should necessarily bear all consequences of this home visitation made by the President. And of course, how the President be the President of the Loser's Club if he doesn't screw up his first home visitation made to his Vice-President?
However, the Vice-President claims otherwise: that the President is "screwing [the Vice-President's] house"! While it may never be known if this was an unintentional grammatical oversight on the part of the Vice-President, or this is meant to be interpreted the way it's read, one thing's for sure: the Vice-President is alleging that the President is having some form of torrid and adulterous sexual relations with the Vice-President's house!
While he may still be the President of the Loser's Club, this is indeed a whole new low for the President: to be caught in flagrante delicito with an inanimate object; a house no less! However, given that the President is the President of THE Loser's Club after all, it still remains to be seem if such an affair would only strengthen or weaken his power in the Loser's Club.
- Luey Chun
posted by 08A10 at
11:32 PM