08A10: A mix of funk, hiphop, rock, pop, and random other cool things. Although our gender ratio is somewhat skewed, we manage to survive and become a model for all the losers out there.
Presenting: The Loser Club EXCO
President: LCP! (Otherwise known as Lua Chang Peng, but that is unimportant)
Vice President: Shen Hong
Sports I/C: The Venerable CHE JIAN
Dance I/C: Ronald
Treasurer: Lester
Secretary: Chi Hern
Mascot: Luey Chun, otherwise affectionately and lovingly known as LC
Watching-Grass-Grow Fag Head: Jin Xiang
OMG I failed math/mathes Fag Head: Shen Hong
OMG I sleep in every lecture Fag Head: Shao
All other members of the class are active participants.
Loser Club 2008: We are the stepping stones that people step on to achieve greater heights
08A10; Amanda.Claire.Che Jian.Ronald.Chi Hern.LC.Xiang-Jie.LCP.Shen Hong.Tag.Ruizi.Lester/Molester.Shao.Lynette.HuiShi.Rachel.Bernice.Van(Van).Val/Mas Selamat.Theo/Paedophilia.Jolene.Clare.Louise.Sharon.MSng.Melody.Nikki.Joanna
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Oh no I should be doing GP :)
Well but NEVERMIND THAT, this is the 07A10 class video. Only not the final one. But this is better because there's more stuff in it. Watch the video and see how many seniors you can actually name!!!
(or just fast-forward to about 3:25 to watch snapsnapchomp being flagpoled. Though they missed.)