Latest newsflash(es)
- Ronald disappeared halfway during break to look for his lady love! {shock}
- According to reliable sources, our dear "black dancer" [quote unquote Lester Wong Qi Neng] Shen Hong has been given a huge box of edibles! Hmm, I wonder which kind soul is so generous!
- Che Jian likes Bernice and Claire more than his prized chicken wings! He's so smitten with them, he autographed 2 golden balloons with declarations of neverending adoration. Sadly, Bernice's balloon was destroyed by the fearsome fairy-wand waving Chi Hern! RAWRRRR!
- Vanessa and our dear LCP are forever bound together in spirit by sexy leopard-print underwear. (Everyone, please proceed to imagine the abovementioned individuals in the abovementioned scant articles of clothing. And may I add,
only in the abovementioned scant articles of clothing, and nothing else on top. WHOOO!)
Things are getting hot in here!
(Hopefully everyone liked the gifts from their secret valentine!)
Now, for more serious things.
- Planning of GP essay for test tomorrow (Jiayou everyone!)
- Geography Tutorial
- Economics Tutorial (Those in deathnote's class) #7A and essay question, Part B.
- Remember to do deathnote's Econs presentation by next tutorial!
- ILP presentation by 25022008, 8am. Don't be late!
KI people do update about your homework! (Comment or something, I'll edit the entry)
CT lunch on cross country was fun! I know everybody's been bugging me for photos, but trust me it's hard work ;) Adjusting the colour, contrast and levels of each individual photo, cropping and everything, x400! D: But i'll get it up this weekend so stay tuned!
Love, Amanda