Labels: ares shoelaces
posted by 08A10 at
7:52 AM
posted by 08A10 at
11:41 PM
posted by 08A10 at
8:27 AM
posted by 08A10 at
8:29 PM
posted by 08A10 at
5:17 PM
posted by 08A10 at
11:53 PM
posted by 08A10 at
10:32 PM
A random shoutout here: Can any kind soul who happen to see the colgate advertisement (the one which has this female dentist, then this random brown slider as the plaque) on the television PLEASE PLEASE film it down for me coz I need it for my BSP project. It's kinda like next friday, so -.- YOU WILL HAVE MY ETERNAL LOVE AND I WILL EVEN TREAT YOU TO LUNCH! Lol bribe bribe.
posted by 08A10 at
10:40 PM
posted by 08A10 at
11:10 PM
posted by 08A10 at
4:21 PM
posted by 08A10 at
4:01 PM
Mrs Yap says: Hi help me remind the class about the test on tuesday!
That's all. Enjoy your last day of holiday and see you kids in school tomorrow! Remember don't do drugs eat your veggies don't drink too much stay healthy kbye!!
<3 Louise.
Saturday, 16th March
12pm at Bedok MRT station
East Coast Park
Potluck picnic + play
Therefore, everyone going is required to bring food: homemade sandwiches, potato chips, bottles of drinks, etc.
See you(:
<3 jolene
Tah-tah, the new skin!
Sorry for the delay, I couldn't find the time to do it because of HuangCheng.
There are some minor tweakings to be done still to the HTML, but I'm dying from the lack of sleep so I'll do those later.
And because I'm now reduced to a living zombie, I used the basecodes from my own blog layout. (Sorry, again!)
I couldn't find a picture of the new class, so I used the one the original took during CNY. Hope you guys don't mind.
Add links, insert music, edit introductions, add pictures to "intro" section, anything. Feel free.
Can any kind souls come to this blog, spam it, leave comments, tag, etc, for the period of time the competition is being held, it'll be great(:
Happy Holidays, people!
Hey guys, certain things.
1. Because of the J2 Blocks (!) our venues for certain lessons have been changed.
1500 - 1630h, CSC, Change from A310 to E201
1530 - 1700h, H1 Chinese, Change from A210 to A204
1000 - 1100h, Math Tutorial, Change from B218 to E402
1000 - 1100h, Geog, Change from A301 to B202
1000 - 1100h, History, Change from A209 to E403
All other lessons are the same.
2. Mr Ang has declared 26 March an official school holiday. Yay.
3. Please complete CCA registration on ISP by 12 March, Wednesday.
That's all! Enjoy your holidays. Err, holiday homework list coming up soon.
Loff, Louise.
Hey everyone, as many of you would have forgotten, founder's day is coming and we'll being doing CIP on that day (whoopee!) Right, so here are some details.
Date: 20th Mar 2008 (Thurs)
Organisation: Whispering Hearts Family Centre
Nature of activity: Carnival
Venue: At the centre itself
Time: 10am - 2pm (reach at about 9.20am)
Target Audience: Students studying at the centre and possibly their parents. Open to the public for fund-raising for the centre through sales at the carnival
Dress Code: School Uniform / Half-U/ Fac Shirt (recommended)
What to do: Come to school on that day, transport should be provided
Okay, so here's what's up. We will be provided with 1 or 2 booths (mainly a space and tables and benches), the venue is like a void deck (where they have malay weddings and funerals etc.) The centre has about 80+ children ranging from 5-12 years of age, and the carnival would be dedicated to them, but will also be open to the public. So, we have to come up with either a
-magic (balloon sculpture etc.)
stall, making sure the stalls cater to the children. Any suggestions ? Please post a comment or just voice it out to me or Jolene in school. A proposal has to be submitted by next Tuesday.
Once we come up with what to do, we have to buy what we need for the stalls, we'll need to pay 1st, keeping the receipts so that we can claim them from the people in charge. Our budget is at $100 (which is not alot) and if we're selling food, the amount would be estimated for 60-80 people. (similar to CNY carnival)
Alternatively, we can put up a performance to entertain the children (eg. dancing, singing of children songs, skits) etc. Of course we have to make sure the content is suitable for children of that age group. Students who are not required to man stalls on that day will be allocated tasks to bring the children around the carnival to play. (Theo don't get too excited) 08A10 has specifically been warned by our honorary loser club member Mr Teh that there should not be any inappropriate behaviour with the kids. So, ya just watch yourselves (or just watch Theo). That's about it, any queries can be directed to me. We owned in the CNY carnival, let's own this too!
- Jin Xiang
I lost my Econs file with ALL OF MY ECONS STUFF IN IT. So... WTF? Anyways, I have no idea how I lost it, but please keep your eyes peeled for a clear file full of econs stuff, because it's most likely mine... Especially around the CT bench area! Thankew people!
- Luey Chun
Thanks everyone for coming down to JTS, sorry for blasting a hole in all of your wallets, but STJ will be soon and you can get your money's worth back. I apologize for the sluggish relay of information, and for all the last-minuteness of things, Sorry ! Thanks Amanda for booking our seats, thanks Jolene for suggesting the venue and for mass-sending the details, thanks Zhi Xing for organizing everything on the Senior side, and finally thanks everyone for coming down =). Lets rock GP test tomorrow !!
- Jin Xiang
is anyone up for ARES shoelaces?
(red laces may look weird with your current shoes, but we are in the most awesome fac ever man!)
- MSng
hey everybody! this is your Infocomm rep here (s.h.star.t lah!) with SMB news about the inter-class blogging competition. which, we are going to WIN (duh! :D) ...and of course lose at the same time. we pwn!
Theme: Live with Passion
(showcase how your classmates and teachers live life to the fullest
and with passion... study with passion, play with passion, dance with passion...)
Prizes: S$1,000 worth of meal vouchers!
This sum is divided into the following:
1st: S$400
2nd: S$300
3rd: S$200
4th: S$100
As suggested by some students, we would ask the winning teams their choice for the preferred eatery/restaurant. For example, a class prefers Chinese food from a famous chain of restaurants while another prefers Japanese food.
Judging Criteria - CAP:
1. C for Content/Thematic Coherence (50%): i.e. Showcase how you “Live with Passion”
2. A for Aesthetics (20%)
3. P for Participation (30%)
Students’ Preparation – 27th Feb (Wed) to 19th March (Wed)
Competition ends on 19th March 2359h
Judging of Blogs in phases before and after closing date
Results on 1st April (Tue)
Judges’ Decisions are final.
Rules & Regulations:
1. For uniformity and basis of comparison, please use www.blogger.com to start your class blog.
2. Compulsory: Fill in and return Annex B - reply form to College Reception tray labelled “C1 Inter-CT Blog Address Reply Form” by next Wed, 5 March 2008, 1pm. Alternatively, you may email the details to Ms Ong Shir Nee at ongsn@hc.edu.sg.
3. Info-Comm Reps or other designated reps to act as Blog Administrators
Can allow free posting but do monitor the quality of responses
**Filter out vulgarities/obscenities/defamatory remarks
**No use of any negative remark against any individual or group or organisation!
Moderate comments
Show direction to blog when necessary
Encourage participation
4. Optional: Fill in and submit Annex C - Inter-CT Blog Writeup to College Reception (Level 2) by 18 March (Tue), 5pm. A tray would be labelled for this. This would aid the judges in the judging process so that they won't miss out on things you wish to showcase.
Non-compliance to the rules & regulations could render a disqualification of your class blog.
basically, we'll have to
1) make a cool class blog on blogger [zzzzZ] that showcases our CLASS SPIRIT
- with our own design
- include class events like STJs and gatherings
- Ares stuff is counted
2) invite as many people as possible to blog: classmates, seniors, our teachers, faculty and even students from other classes
3) post lots of stuff- posts, photos and videos (no problem here!)
4) build up links and network with other class blogs
5) niao people Indirectly, since no personal attacks can be included.
6) (if needed) censor all your swear words, preferably like th(star)s.
present developments
- jolene has volunteered to do the blogskin
- amanda and louise have volunteered to import everything from this present blog
- loser's club teachers will be coerced by LCP to post stuff
- chejian will coerce everyone else to post stuff
yay everyone!
let's totally lose this! :D
- MSng